People together around a table for a work meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.
Responsive Design Picture

About the Website

Do I have to do anything?

No, the only thing you have to do is purchase the website and begin your subscription. We do a monthly subscription after the 1st year.

Will it show up on any device?

Your website is coded with the latest technology and development. We make sure through testing that your site will show up on every device. This is called "Responsive Design" and it is the ONLY way we do business!! Making you and your company look good IS our business!

Is my website secure?

VERY secure! It is wrapped with the latest in SSL security and it includes virus & malware protection. We have also optimized your site to minimize the chances that your site will be hacked or attacked by others. However... Even though we have included the latest and best security money can buy, we can not guarantee 100% security. Not even Microsoft has that kind of security.

What is my URL or Web Address?

Your URL, or Web Address as it is sometimes called, will be whatever your domain name is. Example: ( A domain name is not automatically chosen for you. There are instances where someone may have purchased the domain name you want, but it could be up for sale. The price of that already owned domain name are whatever the person who owns it wants to charge. Sometimes it can be in the thousands of dollars! We will purchase a domain for you unless it exceeds the standard costs of over $20/Yr. A purchase of a domain name for sale by owner would not be allowed unless it was less than standard costs.

Do I have to pay anything before my site is up?

Yes, in order to get your site up and running, you must first pay for the first year of your website subscription.

Before I purchase image

Questions Before

Can I use a picture of my own shop?

Most certainly! We love to interact with our customers! As a matter of fact, we encourage you to get involved with giving us current pictures of your shop, employee's, your company logo or whatever else you have. All pictures MUST be in .jpg or .png format and must be very large in size (At least 750 pixels high x 750 pixels wide). If you do not own a company logo, no problem, we will just use the name of your business.

Is SEO included with my website subscription?

No, a total SEO package is not included with your yearly subscription. SEO requires quite a bit of work, so we can not include it with the low yearly or monthly subscription price for your website. However, we have optimized your new website for S.E.O, but we will not complete or maintain any of the other SEO practices in order to rank well. We do offer this service, but it too is a subscription fee. Our normal price for a basic SEO package starts at $499.00 / Month. We will give you an opportunity later to purchase an SEO program from us if this is something you are interested in.

Is there a refund option if I change my mind?

Yes, there is a refund option. However since we start almost immediately after we receive your payment, and since a lot of work goes into actually bringing your site up, you will have until the site is actually live in order to request a refund and change your mind. This time period is usually less than 2 to 4 days before your site is live. But if you do decide to request a refund, there is a 50% refund fee that will be deducted from your refund in order to pay for time spent setting up your new site. Once your new site goes live, then there is no refunds for the 1st years payment. Your only option then is to cancel and not pay the monthly fee. If you decide to cancel anyways, then go to cancel.html

Method of Payment Picture

About Payment

How do I pay?

All of our transactions go through PayPal payment system. PayPal is very trusted and a secure payment network. Your initial payment will begin your lease subscription. Before the end of the the 1st year, I will bill you to begin either your monthly or yearly payments for your lease subscription. PayPal also takes Visa, MasterCard and other forms of payment and the good thing is that you do not have to have a PayPal account in order to pay for your website subscription.

Will my subscription renew automatically?

Yes, Once we setup your 2nd year payments, your website subscription will be automatically debited on a reoccurring monthly or yearly payment schedule after the 1st year. You will receive a receipt for your payment for tax purposes. Yep, your yearly website subscription fee is totally tax deductible!

Is my payment secure?

Oh Yes! We use PayPal as our primary processors because they are extremely secure and people seem to trust them with their transactions. If you have any questions about payment security, please do not hesitate to contact us today.

Can I cancel my yearly subscription?

Yes, you can cancel at any time. If you decide to cancel, you will have the option to leave your site up until that current subscription expires or take down your website immediately. Then you will not be charged again for the next subscription fee. We require that you go to our website at cancel.html if you decide to cancel your subscription. Please fill out the form and wait for a confirmation from us.

After I Purchase Picture

Questions After

Will Google and BING find my website?

Oh Yes! We always promote every single website whether or not you have purchased our SEO package or not. You will definitely rank with Google and BING. You won't rank as well as a person who has paid us to specifically promote their website and business in their particular city or town. But you will definitely rank!

How often can I make changes?

Changes are FREE to you as a thank you for your trust and business. However, we do have limits on how often you can request changes. Our limit is pretty relaxed. We have a limit of 1 change per quarter, but if you need something changed immediately, I am sure we can probably accommodate you. It usually doesn't take us very long to make any changes to your basic information or change out a picture. We can NOT change the structure of the actual website however without an additional charge to pay for the designers time. To make change requests, please visit our changes page.

What kind of things can I change?

Changes to your site are limited to and include all of the information on your website. If there is some verbiage that you would like to tweak or you need to change your phone number or your email address has changed, then send it to us! We also allow picture changes as long as you send us the picture in either .jpg or .png format and it must be at least 750 pixels wide by 750 pixels high. To make change requests, please visit our changes page.

How do I contact your company?

There are a couple of ways to contact us. You can email us at: or you can visit our contact us page and fill out our form. We usually respond to any emails within 24 hours.